Monday, November 14, 2011


Heavenly Father, I pray that we all have great success today in all we put our hands to, that You are seen in us in all our actions and words big and small. Give us the will to go forward and be powerful and amazing and bring You the Glory~! Amen

I just wanted to make a quick blog post as it has been some time, life gets in the way as people have said. I have really been thinking alot about making things happen following through with my dreams and desires. I have had a desire growing in my heart for quite a while now and I am learning bit by bit what ethis is going to take. Alot of dedication, and perseverance and a huge amount of getting over the fear of failiure and not being able do it. So many excuses will pop into my mind all day long and reasons why my dream will never come to fruition, BUT i am learning that I will never get there if I dont keep moving forward with a positive attitude and keeping it in prayer and asking God for His help in this. I am also fully aware that when I hand things over to the Lord it may not end up as I envisioned it BUT it will be the best outcome I have ever dreamed of and IT WILL BE GOOD!

There are alot of things we learn to live with and get over, i think that regrets are the hardest and what hold us back from being our best awesome selves that God knows we are!!!

So as my AWESOME hubby would tell his friends " MAN UP!!! JUST DO IT!!!"
I am going to tell you the same, make your dreams a reality, set a goal and make a map and follow through, be aware it will take time but iff you stay on the road to your dream destination you will eventually get there!!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Heavenly Father, i ask that you bless our day, Lord bless all who I have the chance to come into contact with, through this blog or in person. i ask that you enable me to be a light for you, so I can shine your love brightly to all. I ask that all who read this can see it comes from love and a want to share that love and your LOVE!  I ask that you bless the food that you provide for us spiritual and physical. THANK YOU LORD JESUS! I LOVE YOU...AMEN

Daniel 1:12-17"Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13) Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see." 14 ) So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. 15) At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. 16) So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead. 17) To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.

Have you heard that saying..."out with the bad in with the good"? Well i was thinking of it and found it was better to take in good and put out good!!!!
What i put in my heart and mind will come out as attitude and personality, moods. So i try to keep Jesus on my heart and mind. There really is nothing like that peace that comes from reminding yourself that your loved by the Almighty in all your imperfection! makes me feel pretty awesome!

What I put in my body will affect how and what I can put out...effort, strength, energy, mood. I have recently been learning first hand that it is important to watch what we fuel our body with, you would not put gas in your beloved car from a rusty old gas can with water in it and dirt! Your car would not run well to say the least, you would end up at the mechanic pulling out your check book, soooooo why is it so easy for us to fuel our bodies and minds with junk food, junk TV, junk conversation, junk attitude???? Then turn around and pull out the check book for the Dr., the pharmacist, the therapist?

So I challenge you to try it...."IN WITH THE GOOD, OUT WITH THE GOOD" put it in you so you can in turn put it out...good for you, good for your family and the BEST FOR GOD!

So I am posting a wonderful recipie chock-a block full of GOOD!!!! Enjoy it and try to really enjoy the whole time you cook this wonderful soup up, its plenty to share and you can do more good than just feeding yourself healthy. You can put out "the good" to bless others. : ) You can follow the link at the bottom and you can adjust the servings and size of recipe.



Units: US | Metric


  1. 1
    In large pot over low heat, add oil, onion, celery, carrot, sweet potatoes, garlic, pepper, oregano, thyme, and paprika, stirring to combine. Cook 5-10 minutes till onions, and celery start to soften.
  2. 2
    Add split peas, stock, water, bouillon, bay leaves, and bring to a boil.
  3. 3
    Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 60 minutes.
  4. 4
    At this point you can serve it as is for chunky soup or puree it in batches for a creamer soup.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

To be held ACCOUNTABLE thats why......

Ha then! i have finally figured you out BLOGS AWAY!!! i am entering the world of blogging...WHY? Because there have been toooo many things that i have come across lately that I would like to comment on and share with more than my own mind. I hope that it is a good thing that i do.

First I pray..Lord, i ask that you help me to see what I can do to honor You. I pray that by taking care of myself and my family I will be a blessing to You. I pray that You will open my eyes to the truth about the answers i seek and that I will be a positive force in others lives, allowing your light to shine through me. Help me to love others and have patience and kindness. In Your name I pray. Amen.

So often I find myself with new information and ideas and they sound great and I think I will change this bad habit, this lazy attitude, this negative thought! For a few days or so I feel empowered and ready to take on the world and then reality will take over, or does it? Is it just my lack of perseverance and willingness to go through some discomfort in change and extra effort that may not fit my mapped out life???? Is it excuse after excuse i offer myself as a comfort? Oh your a mom, you have young children, your income is limited, you don't have the time or the energy, let someone else figure it out.
WELL! I say to myself today maybe if you make these thoughts public and you have feed back both good and bad it will help to boost these changes that I believe in so much, that sound so real as they are coming out of my mind and make them a reality in my life. Why are we ( meaning I) so willing to just give up after a few days and be defeated. To take the excuses and make them reasons for not trying with all my might to make a change for the good to be proud and excited about your day, your life . to see the good these things have brought about in your family relationships.

How many more days and weeks are going to pass you (me) by before we (I) wake up and see that we are on a speeding train (life) and as we get older it is progressively picking up speed. We have gone from riding in a lovely open box car with fresh air and beautiful scenery about us in our youth to a bullet train where the windows only offer a blur of buildings and light and dark flickering as we pass it by. I crave this, i need this to stop! I wish to have these changes, to be in love with my life and to be able to realize this gift we have been given and enjoy it, and care for it the best I can.

So all that being said...(you scratch your head??what is she talking about???) Well i have decided to take this gift-Life that God has blessed me with. This body that God created and really think about what I am doing to it on a daily basis. The fuel i give myself, the thoughts i allow my head and the feelings that come from my heart.
I hope that in these blogs i can offer positive information and insight and maybe one person will take up the challenge to live life and not just let life go by.